Live the Call: A Journey of Awakening with Amy Edelstein

Pamela Downes Photo

Pamela Downes
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Join us for an inspiring session with Amy Edelstein, an acclaimed author, educator, and speaker. From a young age, Amy followed her inner calling, leading her on a transformative path dedicated to education and empowering youth.

Amy will share how understanding our experiences within the context of cosmic evolution and cultural development can profoundly shape our lives, offering deeper fulfillment and purpose. She also leads us through a deep mindful five minute meditation.

As founder of Inner Strength Education, Amy’s innovative program has empowered over 22,000 high school students in Philadelphia, endorsed by CASEL. This trauma-informed approach equips students with mindfulness tools, neuroscience insights, and the art of building meaningful relationships.

Follow Amy on YouTube @AmyEdelstein.
Learn more about her work at and her foundation at

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