Hi, I'm Hannah,
I am a medium, Mediumship Matters Podcast host, best selling author & spiritual teacher. My passion is working for the Spirit World, bringing messages of love & hope from the other side. I have worked with Spirit for over a decade, and am all about great evidence, great messages, but most importantly - giving you a moment with your loved ones/guides to help you move forward knowing that they are with you as you live your life in this physical realm.
My journey with Spirit has been so profound and life changing, and I'm dedicated to bringing this positivity into as many lives as possible.
My mission is now to help others uncover their gifts, to be able to access the support and unconditional love of the universe, to find their voice, to free themselves of ties that hold them back and to heal. I absolutely believe that connection to the Spirit World is an ability that lies within all of us, not just the chosen few.
I'm the host of the international top ten spiritual podcast Mediumship Matters. You can listen to episodes here.
I've taught hundreds of students spiritual development & reiki, with workshops, courses and mentorship. It brings me so much joy to see the change it makes once you know you're not doing this alone, and that your guides, helpers & ancestors are with you every day.
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