Psychic Therapist, Medium, Master Spiritual Teacher, Bestselling Author & Media Guest Expert
Known as the "Visionary of Our Times," Vincent is an internationally acclaimed Psychic Therapist, Medium, Spiritual Master, and Author. Through his captivating radio and TV interviews, insightful podcasts, engaging keynote speeches, immersive workshops, interactive classes, and one-on-one private sessions, Vincent has brought about a profound transformation in the lives of countless individuals across the globe.
He combines his extraordinary psychic abilities with his academic credentials and a genuine, all-loving approach to provide holistic healing for body, mind, and spirit. Vincent is a gifted and exceptional psychic medium due to a profound Spiritual Transformative Experience (STE), with the knowledge and experience of a psychotherapist. His teachings blend new, deep, thought-provoking insights with science and ancient wisdom that universally resonate within the soul's knowing.
As a spiritual leader and visionary, Vincent raises consciousness by imparting what others have yet to explore and demonstrate. Diving deep into the human psyche, he enables a quantum leap of understanding to uncover and resolve maladaptive beliefs shielded below the conscious mind that sabotage best-laid dreams and desires.
He is a true catalyst for transformation, bringing renewed hope and optimism to all he touches. His highly evolved skills, healing presence, and compassionate intent to guide people to live their best lives have made him one of the most sought-after media guest experts and keynote presenters globally.
Vincent is also a practiced Hospice Clinical Social Worker, an experience that allowed him the privilege of helping more than 500 patients peacefully transition through their dying process while comforting and supporting their families and friends.
He offers 41 years of spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological insights in his first best-selling book, The Secret That's Holding You Back, available on Amazon. Everyone who experiences Vincent leaves enlightened, energized, and empowered, possessing the key to creating the life of their dreams. This is The Genna Effect!
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