#1 Episode of 2023 - Your Soul Has a Plan with Lisa Barnett on Soul Nectar Show

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In case you missed it, here it is again! The #1 Top Episode of 2023 with Lisa Barnett of Akashic Knowing. Do you find yourself in inquiry on why your life is playing out in a certain way? How is it that situations or scenarios happen just so? Is there any reason to it? Is it part of a bigger plan?

Lisa is an author, teacher, healer for over 30 years and supports others by connecting to the Akashic Records and its keepers for insights during awakening and revealing one’s soul purpose. She also teaches others how to utilize the Akashic Records themselves. 

Lisa’s newest book, Your Soul Has a Plan: Awaken to Your Life Purpose Through Your Akashic Records is an incredible resource for exploring your own Akashic Records. Watch or listen to this episode to learn more about our exquisite history found in the Akashic Records. You are invited!

READ: Your Soul Has A Plan https://www.amazon.com/Your-Soul-Has-Plan-Purpose-ebook/dp/B0BLK65S3M

WATCH: Akashic DIY with Lisa Barnett on Soul Nectar Show https://soulnectar.show/akashic-diy-with-lisa-barnett/


Lisa is the internationally recognized bestselling author of The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records and her newest book Your Soul Has a Plan: Awaken to Your Life Purpose through Your Akashic Records.

Lisa Barnett has devoted her life as an Akashic channel to help people connect to their divinity and receive the soul guidance as they are healing and transforming their lives. She spent ten years as a Religious Science Certified Practitioner, R.S.c.P., where she offered healing prayer treatment to the congregations and served as vice president on the board of directors. She is also the Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom where she has spent over 20 years working with clients and students around the world to help them to access personal Soul wisdom, healing and guidance for life in their Akashic Records.

Her specialty is empowering individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, health, and ease by helping them align with their soul path, understand their soul contracts, and complete their karma and vows. The school has thousands of students worldwide with dozens of certified consultants and teachers.

Connect with Lisa:

Web: https://akashicknowing.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Swamimomy
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/akashicknowing/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akashicknowing/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AkashicKnowing
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AkashicKnowing