Episode 4: To The Top Of The Mountain


Mother Earth is calling us. Will you answer the call? Medicine Woman show invites you wisdom that our ancestors knew for living in harmony with all of our relations.

In this fourth episode, we go on an adventure out in nature to climb to the top of Enchanted Rock in the Hill Country of Central Texas. Along the way, we talk about how Nature has wisdom for us, how to set goals and visions, balancing the journey with the destination,  facing challenges with grace,  and the power of gratitude.

During this episode, we learn how imporant it is to break the habit of being an indoor person, trapped behind  a  desk or on a couch, and get out into Nature to learn directly from the wisdom of our beautiful planet. We learn about discerning which mind is setting goals and visions: are we setting those goals from our fear minds, or our love minds?

We talk about how to manifest your goals and visions into being, and explain why adversities and challenges show up once we set an intention. We talk about the importance of surrendering control to co-create with the Universe, and celebrating every step along the way without rushing onto the next step in your plan.

We experience a sacred offering to Mother Earth called an earth painting that you can perform yourself at a place in Nature you love. You can use the earth painting to express gratitude or work through a challenge you're having. We also learn something about tobacco that you may not have known.