Episode 3: Competency


Mother Earth is calling us. Will you answer the call? Medicine Woman show invites you wisdom that our ancestors knew for living in harmony with all of our relations.

In this third episode, we build upon what we learned in Episode 2, and learn about why self awareness is uncomfortable and we may avoid it, why self awareness is a foundation of human competency,  and the process of becoming competent through awareness and spiritual practice. We define competency for the purpose of our show, and we reference the powerful work done by Noel Burch, an employee with Gordon Training International, in defining the Conscious Competence Ladder. If you would like to learn more about that model of competency, see the website for Gordon Training International.

During this episode, we learn about the phases of competency created by Kerri Hummingbird: Unaware of Incompetence, Aware and Awkward,  Aware and Practicing Competence, and Being Competent. We also practice a Fire Ceremony to burn the story of incompetence that is holding you back. We learn how to shift from Aware and Awkward to Practicing Competence.