Authentically You EP. 1 Part 1


An Awakening Experience of Frank Griffin In this episode of 'Authentically You,' Dawn Link interviews Frank Griffin about his spiritual journey and experiences of receiving messages from a higher consciousness. Frank shares his background of being raised in a religious family and attending a Christian high school where he was actively involved in religious activities. He discusses his higher education at a secular college, which led to the liberalization of his beliefs, and his subsequent involvement in charismatic Pentecostal movements where he experienced hearing messages from God. Frank recounts his intense spiritual experiences, including out-of-body experiences and direct communications with Jesus, which profoundly impacted his life and led him to pursue a path of healing and ministry. The conversation touches upon themes like spiritual awakening, the interpretation of the Bible, and the experience of receiving divine messages. The episode ends with Dawn promising a follow-up segment to continue exploring Frank's story.