Healing Chronic Pain and Self-Criticism


In today's episode, Brandy works with an extraordinary volunteer, Joanna, who is experiencing chronic pain at a level of 7-8 on a scale of 1-10. Brandy guides Joanna to harness the power of her own mind to achieve radical healing results and even relieve her own pain in just minutes!

The key to radical healing is that Joanna must use her mind in a new way. Brandy helps Joanna recognize that physical pain is actually a "spiritual message": that, in short, health issues or chronic pain are our bodies' ways of communicating to us that we have erroneous thoughts and feelings affecting our health and life. By listening to our bodies, decoding this "message," and reprogramming our minds, we can create a profound transformation in our health and lives.

Remarkably, Joanna did an incredible job with her own mind! Once she understood the message her body was giving her, she was able to relieve her own physical pain in just minutes! Moreover, it becomes evident that these changes can bring multiple positive effects to her life.

If you've been researching self-healing, mind-body healing, energy healing, or personal transformation, or enjoy seeing others achieve remarkable results using the power of the mind, then you won't want to miss this episode!