Medicine Woman: Episode 8 - Wounded to Wise

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Mother Earth is calling us. Will you answer the call? Medicine Woman show invites you wisdom that our ancestors knew for living in harmony with all of our relations.

In this eighth episode, we talk about living from wounded feminine and the Triangle of Disempowerment. We explain how people on both sides of a conflict can feel like the victim and make the other person the perpetrator

We talk about the negative behaviors we adopt when living from the wounded feminine including ghosting others, refusing to speak to them, gossiping about them, ganging up on them with others by spreading the story we have created in our minds, working to sabotage them in their work, family or relationships, or even physically abusing and perpetrating violence upon them.

During this episode, we share different ways the wounded feminine expresses itself and we do some personal truthtelling. We learn about living from the wise woman and the behaviors and agreements we adopt as medicine women that support healthy relationship dynamics

We discuss the benefits of living as medicine women including less drama, more respect, less overwhelm and more peace. We share the four choices you must make to live as a medicine woman and experience these benefits in your life.

We experience a sacred ceremony to release a wound and replace it with wisdom.