Episode 9: Life Is The Teacher

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Mother Earth is calling us. Will you answer the call? Medicine Woman show invites you wisdom that our ancestors knew for living in harmony with all of our relations.

In this ninth episode, we talk about the Living Workshop of Life and how we sometimes experience The Wall, otherwise known as blocks and obstacles. We learn how we are only responsible for ourselves, and discuss how this plays out when we are parents.

During this episode, we share how our aligned choices, from our soul knowing, are often others' lessons. We talk about how important it is to follow inner guidance, even if it means someone you love may go through a challenge because of it.

We discuss how challenging it is to watch someone you love struggle, and the absolute importance of honoring people's choices because every choice is sacred. We learn about boundaries and staying in our own lane.

We experience a meditation where we visit your Soul Garden to receive guidance from your soul about a Wall you are currently experiencing in your life. Why is this Wall for your highest good? What inner medicine is this Wall inviting you to claim for yourself?